
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Report: LG tend to charging technology and Wireless magnetic new smartphones

There is no doubt that charging technology Allowaarls in smart phones, more supportive and speed of the user from the traditional shipping, and at the present time is available for smartphones Shipping Allowaarls magnetic induction technology, which will be replaced with new technology in the next smartphone from LG.
The idea of ​​charging magnetic Allowaarls magnetic induction currently used for smart phones, to install telephone Ay platform for energy to charge the phone directly, but the report, which recently came out on the Internet, confirms that LG has completed a new technology for charging magnetic Allowaarls development.
Magnetic shipping new technique magnetic resonance developed by LG Corporation, working on the use of magnetic resonance to charge smartphones, where this new technique differs in the ability to charge a smart phone without having to install it on the shipping platform, where they could be charging a short distance from the shipper , a distance of up to 7 cm from the shipper.
These new technology in shipping that supports the user in phone mode for the shipping besides shipping platform, ie, without the need to install the phone directly on the shipping platform.

The report stressed that the shipping technology developed by LG offers the ability of almost 7w, also confirmed that LG is working on a study of the technical launch of the markets at the moment, so it is expected that this new technology will be available for shipment in the markets over the next year.
This is also forecast to shipping technology to support the development of shipping via Allowaarls from the farthest distance during the coming period, a distinct evolution of technology shipping the user can support dramatically.


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