
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Huawei responded to the image attributed to a camera phone Huawei P9

When the Huawei has officially unveiled the phone Huawei P9 company boasted the fact that her new flagship boasts double rearview camera comes along with the brand Leica. But there was some controversy early so it was not clear how much Leica technology that are included in this camera, and wonder if this phone only includes Leica brand for marketing purposes.
But it seems that the controversy did not end there. Recently, Huawei has to publish a picture on social media seems like taken using the phone Huawei P9, a picture that is clearer and more prominent than most images that can Cameras smartphones to handle, and it turned out that the camera used was in fact the camera Canon EOS 5D mk III which costs US $ 4,500.
According to the description that accompanied the picture: "We were able to capture a moment of beautiful sunrise with Ella. Leica Camera dual phone Huawei P9 makes capturing images in low-light conditions like this. Originality prepared photography using smart phones and posted pictures sunrise your sun with us. "
Not surprisingly , Huawei has access to a huge amount of criticism on it, which has responded by saying: "I recently became clear that the image that we have published on the social media has not taken using the phone Huawei P9. The picture was taken professionally during the filming of a new ad for the phone Huawei P9, and shared to inspire our society. We realize that we should have to be more pronounced in the commentary , which was accompanist for theimage. Were not we have any intention to mislead. We apologize for that and we have to remove the image.


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